Sunday, September 16, 2012

No photo this time sorry, since I'm using an airport computer and there doesn't seem to be an HD card slot. I discovered that Thailand now has a policy of requiring health clearance for travellers coming from certain countries in Africa and Latin America where Yellow Fever is a threat and you need proof of the vaccine in order to enter. I do have that, but then you also need a stamp from the health department in the airport before you pass immigration. That's the thing I didn't do, and only learned that I needed this after standing in the immigration line for 45 minutes. So for those of you coming from Africa or Latin America to Thailand, the Health office is just a few metres outside the entrance to the Immigration area. Go there with your completed health form (which they will give you on the plane most likely), and your yellow fever vaccine certificate, and your completed immigration forms (also from the plane). Get in that line and get the stamp. Then go to the immigration line. They do have someone checking to see if you have the required stamp, but only when you almost reach the immigration desks, not where you enter the line. I noticed a number of people from my same flight had to stand in that 45 minute line twice as a result. I hope this saves someone the same experience.

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