Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I felt so bad yesterday afternoon. We were out trying to hunt down the various inputs we need for our upcoming emergency employment and farm input distribution program. More on that later, but while in the vehicle, a man came up to the window and greeted me politely. Luther was his name, and he proceeded to explain how he was looking for work and described the skills he had as a teacher, and his training in sociology. Not wanting to seem rude, I explained a bit about our program, and then he handed me his resume, of which he had several copies in a folder he was carrying. On further questioning, I discovered that the school he had been teaching at had been destroyed. I didn't have the heart to ask, but I am certain he has a family to feed as well. The thing that was so heart-wrenching to me, is that he didn't come up to the window and launch into an aggressive plea about how he had no job, and needed to feed his family; he was very professional in his approach, and carried himself with dignity, but I don't know, something in his eyes or voice told me that this man was desperate. What's worse is that I had to turn him away with no hope of a job, and one precious resume less than when he started.

Wall graffiti a few blocks from where Luther handed me his resume

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to hear a story like that. It tears me apart.