Monday, February 11, 2013

I had forgotten that this week is Mardi Gras/Carnival. Which means a lot of people here are in a partying mood. It's pretty quiet in this little town right now, but the owner of the house where I rent a room has a grandson who takes part in the carnival parades. I asked if I could take a picture of the just the mask, and instead she made her granddaughter put the entire costume on. The more I look at this outfit, the scarier it looks to me. It's tough to see maybe, but the eyes are bloodshot, and there's two crocodiles squirming around on the side of the face. Not to mention the big shiny teeth. I'm not quite sure how the religious significance of this all works. Frightening spirits wander the world until Lent, when they disappear because it is such a holy time? In any case I hope that no such spirit is hanging around in the house tonight! Or ever for  that matter.

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