Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yesterday was the drive from Port au Prince to Acul du Nord, which is close to Cap Haitian, and about a 7 hour drive. We begin today the training for the surveyors for the project evaluation we are doing. Collecting reliable information in rural areas of Haiti (or in most countries for that matter) is tricky and requires thoughtful and creative people to ask the questions and listen for the true response. It also requires asking the right questions in the first place, which also requires careful consideration in advance. There is furthermore a tendency among those being interviewed to, perhaps out of politeness, try to give the response they think you want to hear. For example, if people think that successful results are what the interviewer wants, some folks will tend to describe how great things are. On the other hand, if people think that the interviewer wants to hear about needs, then folks will often talk about how miserable their lives are. There are ways around this. For example one can usually reliably determine from what material a roof of a house has been constructed, and this is a relatively good indicator of a family's economic status. Many other similar questions may be asked, and eventually one can piece together a more or less accurate picture of the situation and conditions in which a community finds itself.

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