Monday, September 13, 2010

what would you do?

Last night was one of those times when I had to make a decision between sleeping under a sheet to protect myself from mosquitoes (numerous), or sleeping without the sheet to feel slightly more comfortable in the sweltering 30 plus temperature with humidity. On the one hand putting up with many bites and possible malaria, versus, some very moderate relief from the heat. Well, I choose the short term gratification of cooler temperatures, and weighed that the risk of malaria was small. I guess we'll all find out in 7-14 days or so. Although malaria can supposedly incubate for a long time, so let' say 7 days to 6 months. Don't worry, I have my emergency dose of chloraquine on me just in case. And I drank a can of tonic water on the plane, which has quinines in it, and supposedly helps boost one's resistance.

Today we go to the airport to meet a group of visitors/suppporters from the US who are here for a week visit. I will be acting as part time interpreter, which should be fun, except for the times when it's not.

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