Sorry for going on and on about this airport. At this stage I feel more like I am documenting my slow descent into the emotional and physical exhaustion that is the end of a trip. It starts to become about the smallest of things, like I am so happy to see the sign posted that my flight is departing on time, at the proper gate. The next relief is to actually see the plane at the gate, being prepped for the journey. Probably why I would make an entry about the potted plants for example. Those of you who have experienced this know that it is a feeling of unreality, almost an out of body experience, like you are actually sitting in the seat beside yourself, hoping that everything goes smoothly and that you are at home in your own bed as soon as possible, but knowing the whole time that you have miles and miles to go before you sleep.
What the future holds? Purchased from a McDonalds quality coffee facility, a cafe latte as good as any at Starbucks. Also breaking the rules of travel (see post from March 01). Not to mention another travel rule which I didn't mention: always eat local.
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