Sunday, August 03, 2014

Now we start the process all over again this time in Tanzania. This will be the 5th time in 2 months I've explained how the specific definition of household works for this particular survey and how surveyors need to double check that they've asked people about all 6 food categories (in spite of repeated reminders inevitably someone forgets to fill in one of the food categories).  If I sound like I'm getting a bit tired of evaluation,  yeah maybe. I'll try my best to stay positive I guess.

Actually I'm expecting things to go pretty well here. This is based on the fact that it went well here last time (2011) and the communication I've had with staff here prior to my arrival have had all the signs of good preparation.  Things can always not go as planned of course but I'm actually pretty relaxed going into this week.  I realized that on the drive from the airport tonight when I was mostly just sitting back and enjoying the music that the driver was playing (a local style called Bongo Flava) and not really thinking much at all about work. A local Kenyan song by the way says "big up Obama". Not that that has anything to do with anything but I just found it amusing. 

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