Saturday, April 27, 2013

Salzburg, Austria, which is about 2 hours by train from the Munich airport. I had an all day layover so decided to try to add another country to my `collection`. The woman at the information booth laughed when I said I wanted to go to Austria, and told me it couldn`t be done with the time I had before my flight. So I went immediately to the train station and purchased a ticket. Granted I didn`t have a whole lot of time there, but had a chance to walk around, get someone to take a picture of me with the Austrian flag, and had time to stop for dinner in Munich on the way back (some sort of schnitzel type thing--not that great but local, and ordered in some restaurant where they didn`t speak much English.

I feel like I could learn German. It just sounds familiar somehow. That`s what they taught us in school anyway, that German and English were two of the most closely related European languages. I had to learn what Flughafen meant for sure, (airport) so I could find my way back. In the end I made it back with plenty of time to spare. I sort of felt like going to the information booth and telling them, but I wasn`t sure what the point of that would be.

This is Hohensalzburg Castle. I did not actually have time to go and visit, as per the airport information booth advice.

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