Sunday, March 01, 2009

pre-trip rituals

Calling them rituals is a stretch. Many of the things on this list I often, but not always do. Does that qualify them as ritual?
-recharge all batteries (camera, mp3 player, gps, etc)
-clean apartment
-cut hair
-drink tonic water (for the quinines)
-listen to Voice of America webcasts in the language of the destination
-practice walking around in the dark (for non-electricity environments)
-stay up really, really late, so I can sleep on the plane
-fill up gas tank (leaving your gas tank almost empty for a long period allows fuel evaporation which changes the composition of the fuel, and results in harder starting)
-sort through my ziplock bags of world currencies
-buy a couple of used paperbacks (tom clancy, or a near fascimile)
-sit on my balcony late at night and contemplate (if it's warm enough)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Practice walking around in the dark. Totally necessary I know but yet not something I would think to do before a trip. I'm definitely going to remember this one. :)