Thursday, July 19, 2012

I've arrived at the conference centre where I'll be for the next few days...conferencing. It was 64 degrees when the plane landed which is what in Celsius? All I know it's a big relief. Let's say it's the temperature where you think, "should I put a sweater on, or just stay in a t-shirt?"

Sorry no photo yet since it was also dark when I arrived. Tomorrow morning though, first thing, I promise. Well, maybe right after breakfast. What I can tell you is that I can hear the ocean. At first I thought it was was a highway, but no, it's waves breaking on a beach...I'm telling you, it is going to be very tempting just to skip out on the  meetings  altogether and just wander around here, even the conference grounds literature says there's lots to see. No one would even know...

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