Monday, July 31, 2017

This mountainside is in one of our target watersheds in Burundi. You can see there are a lot living barriers and planted trees. According to a local leader that we talked to, many years ago, there were local princes who promoted soil conservation and taught people how to install living barriers and plant coffee. They have continued this tradition to this day. This all apparently happened within this leader's lifetime and I am guessing he is about 70. The other interesting thing is that the other side of the valley, ie. where I am standing for this photo does not have nearly as many barriers or trees. The explanation for this did not seem as clear to me. Still, it means there is plenty of room for more planting. It is a long hike down into this valley. Nearly an hour for me to get to the bottom. I was told that I was the first white person (that people know of) to visit that village at the bottom of the valley in this photo. Hard to believe in this day and age, and only the second time in my life that I have been told that. It is not very accessible so I guess it's not out of the question.

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