Monday, July 15, 2013

Three years after the Haiti earthquake and I'm still  learning about things that happened  during  those few seconds. One of the staff here who drives for us was telling  me about how his wife was trapped in a building  and had  her leg crushed. It was several days (I'm not entirely clear on exactly how many),  before they could get her to a  functioning hospital that was in any kind of shape to look after her,  and by then  it was too late. Infection  had  set in  and they  were forced to amputate below the knee. My co-worker said one of the worst  things was that he and his wife were  in desperate need but everyone they turned to was in the same situation. Fortunately my co-worker has family in the US,  and  they were able to get his wife there where she received a prosthetic limb.  Then my co-worker asked  me where I was during  the Haiti  earthquake.
"At  home reading the news on the internet."  my pathetic reply.

I think both of us at  that moment were  thinking about how life is horribly, brutally unfair, but nobody said  anything.

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