Friday, May 25, 2012

I don't which of my 400 pictures of trees and other plants to show you.  But this one is pretty exciting to  me. These are pines planted in the border area in Haiti in a community called Savane Bombe. Two things about this are surprising to  me. One is that they are being planted  at all.  The local pine, Pinus  occidentalis is disappearing in Haiti,  and  there are very few forests left which contain the species. It is endemic  to the island, so once it is gone, it's gone. Fortunately there is still lots of it on  the Dominican side. However, to see people planting it in  Haiti is a  big deal for me. Turns out that people at  least in this  community  like planting it. It doesn't demand much water from the field,  or create much shade, so people can grow other underneath, and eventually  it produces timber which makes the farmer  a profit. The second surprising thing for me is how fast it grows. These trees here, which are 2-3 metres tall are about 3 years old. Not too bad for a tree which is supposed to be slow growing. So maybe there's hope for pine in Haiti after all.

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